Welcome All!

My old Clubhouse Escape website has been awaiting it's turn in the queue for redesign, which I'm just getting to. This site will primarily provide access to info related to any new projects or possibly interesting info about Tenna and I.

Most Recent Projects

Garage To Bar

Converting our 3rd car garage into a separate Bar for socializing and entertaining.

Kids Bench

Rescued an old bench and put it back into service.

Juke Joint

First project completed towards getting our pool area where we want it..

Website Testimonials

Jiminy Cricket22

"Great..keep us updated"

- 2021-03-21

Billy Mitznik

"Very good, we like it."

- 2021-03-13

Jerry Lee

"Nice pics..nice place!"

- 2021-03-01
* Submit A Testimonial *